Forum Replies Created
Jeremy Williams
KeymasterHah! I’m eztremely excited by the potential wifi brings to the Game Frame and love incorporating ideas. Keep them coming.
Did you setup Particle command line tools? If so, super cool. That’s probably more than most users would like to do but it makes testing a breeze.
FYI I wouldn’t pay attention to the actual return values. IFTTT just needs something, so they’re getting it. I should probably go through and make those more consistent and relevant though.
Jeremy Williams
KeymasterHere you go. Hope this works to get you going. I didn’t want to add more dedicated functions so I just added everything to the “Command” function. Let me know any questions. As for setting the time, that’s not possible since the time is automatically set based on Internet time and your timeZone.
Download here:
Latest firmware has the following parameters added to the Command function (with the valid input in parenthesis):
clockface (1 – 5)
timezone (-12 – 13)
playback (0 – 2)
display (0 – 1)
cycle (1 – 8)Jeremy Williams
Jeremy Williams
KeymasterThese are great ideas. I’ll have something soon (except DisplayString — but that’s on the long term list).
Jeremy Williams
KeymasterYes, the system ignores the /00system folder for normal playback so anything in there won’t be shown. That’s why I put the alert animations inside /00system/wifi.
You can upload animations there using the upload tool in the web control panel. Did you try it? Just provide the path (e.g. 00system/wifi/reddit) and then point it to the animation files. You won’t be able to delete it with the web tool though — you’ll need to insert it into your computer for that.
However, you should probably replace your web control panel INDEX.HTML file with the attached one. The one on your Game Frame controls brightness whenever you use the 0-7 keys, and that gets weird when typing “00system.” 🙂
Just download the attached file and replace the INDEX.HTML file using the secret help page inside your Game Frame located at http://your.ip.address/help. Or just copy it into the /wifi folder manually.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Jeremy Williams
KeymasterJust ran some tests. Look like that Reddit trigger fires about every 30 minutes (yuck!). It fired for me at 40 minutes past the hour, and again at 10 minutes after the hour.
Jeremy Williams
KeymasterDoes it work when you click “Check Now” on the recipe in IFTTT? That button played the animation right away for me. Haven’t checked the delay if you don’t click that yet. Will tonight.
Jeremy Williams
KeymasterWorked for me. I used the upload button from the web control panel to create a folder called “reddit_alien” and then uploaded the 0.bmp and config.ini files. Then I added your recipe, selecting the Play function and left the Input as Reddit_Alien. Then I upvoted something on Reddit and hit the “Check Now” button for the recipe back on IFTTT. The animation played.
Jeremy Williams
KeymasterHave you setup the SMS recipe? Then you can test it by texting “play reddit_alien” to your game frame. The SMS action happens rather immediately.
Jeremy Williams
KeymasterYou might need to link to the recipe if you want us to find it.
Jeremy Williams
KeymasterThere might just be a delay?… Every trigger has a different amount of time it takes to relay the signal to Particle (and thus your Game Frame).
If you want help setting up the recipe just list your steps. I love setting them up and would be glad to help.
Jeremy Williams
KeymasterGreat work!
Jeremy Williams
KeymasterHave you received your Wi-Fi Adapter? Curious how this solution works for you.
Jeremy Williams
KeymasterI’m afraid right now you can’t upload nested folders. Just single folder animations. I’d like to revamp this so you can upload a single compressed file eventually, like a ZIP. If anyone knows of a possible Arduino/Particle compression library, let me know.
Jeremy Williams
KeymasterDocs posted. Available from the Help section of the site menu bar. Please let me know if I can further clarify anything.