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    Just saw this as I was dabbling in stuff during the downtime. The local cloud access sounds promising! I hope this improves the wifi reliability.

    Jeremy Williams

    We’ll see! It will force a much newer Particle system firmware, so that might help. On a side note, this is likely the final firmware because I have hit the Flash storage limit. I actually had to clean up the code and remove the FTP stuff in order to make the Pong clock fit. The FTP stuff was used to download menu graphics for FX and CHARTS if you didn’t have them, but they can still be downloaded and copied to microSD manually as always.

    I’m working on porting the FX and Pong clock stuff over to Teensy 3.2, in case anyone wants to upgrade their Teensy LC and get those features without jumping through the Wi-Fi Adapter hoops.


    Well maybe one more release if this is still an issue, or at least tell me if I can fix it. 🙂

    I grabbed all the pictures I could find on the forums, and my preferred way to run color clock and have it show the pictures every 15 minutes. I’ve noticed that it only cycles through a subset of the pictures. Yet if I choose gallery it cycles through all the pictures.

    Any ideas?

    Jeremy Williams

    Is this a new problem with this new firmware?


    No this was an existing problem. I’ll see if it somehow got fixed with the new firmware and report back if its still a problem.


    I flashed the new firmware
    Current Version:

    but I don’t see an option for the pong clock.
    Should it be under Settings/Clock Face?

    Jeremy Williams

    From the GitHub releases page: “Activate it by pressing the NEXT button while in Clock mode. NEXT also now cycles through all five clock skins, allowing easier access to them.”


    Thank you!


    OK I’ve had a chance to use the new firmware for a while and its great.

    The udp local interface is great as now I can control it via Home Assistant using a method like this: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/send-udp-packages-with-ha-on-rpi/35104 and not rely on IFTTT.

    It’s a bummer its using UDP, but with the tooling above it should be good enough. It would be nice if there was a way to get the state of the device somehow, but I can get around this by setting explicitly.

    I have still have problems with the interface not responding after a while, but I have it hooked up to a plug which can power cycle it if it can’t reach it so while it would be nice if it was more reliable its not a deal breaker.

    I think my problem with the images not cycling appears to be a little complicated. I think its there are so many images if I have them cycling sequentially at 15 minutes they same images generally show by the time I’m awake. Setting it randomly should be able to see infrequently, but maybe its not random enough or something, but I haven’t really dug into it. As it’s unrelated to this if I have some breakthrough I’ll start a new thread.

    Thanks for the update!

    Jeremy Williams

    Thanks for the feedback. It’s unlikely I can offer an alternative, but why is UDP a bummer?


    It’s just that a lot of tools (e.g. telnet, curl) don’t support udp so you’re more limited in your solutions. I assume its more common in some other scenarios which is why you chose it, so maybe it will cause me to find new things.

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