Home Forums Game Frame Technical Support Animation changing speeds?

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  • #1361

    One more post and then I’ll go to bed, really.

    I’ve noticed in at least some of my animations, that they will speed up every time they loop through. At I think always the same point in the animation, it suddenly speeds up.

    You can see it here: http://instagram.com/p/sZPWJvI3du/

    I stepped through the individual BMPs and I don’t think it’s in my images; I think the GameFrame starts running through the frames more quickly. Anyone else seen this? Any ideas why?

    Jeremy Williams

    Yeah, this can happen with fast animations that contain many files, especially when the files are written on various parts of the microSD media. One way to solve it might be to copy off your data, format the microSD (FAT32), and then copy your files back on. Another way might be to convert your multi-file animation into one long filmstrip style animation.


    Hmm, guess I should learn how to make the filmstrip files. Do you just line the frames up vertically and set the moveY to 16?

    Jeremy Williams

    Yep! You might take a look at that script I wrote for an example.

    Graphic Conversion Tool (gfx2gf)

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