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Ok here is a test scenario I just did on the IR test mode, looking at a TV remote that I found. I’l try doing the same thing with the original remote, to see the difference, but visual behavior is the same.

=> my current thinking is that remote is perfectly OK. Pb seems to be that IR driver is not flushing the buffer of ir codes received properly or something, and that your code is reading extra stuff mixed in with the actual codes sent by the remote. Combined with your logic in the test and record screen produce this odd behavior.

Note sure if the behavior comes from incorrect configuration of the IR driver somewhere, or maybe a faulty IR sensor that behaves in a way not expected by the IR driver?


### On the IR test screen, with TV remote

# I press the ‘next’ button on the back
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code: 3887053538
> Loading image ‘irMenu.bmp’

# I see the menu icon, I wait 30 sec… then press ‘1’ button on TV remote
> IR code: 3778927144
> Loading image ‘irNext.bmp’

# I see the next icon, I wait 30 sec again… then press ‘2’ button on TV rmeote
> IR code: 2908251746
> Loading image ‘irZapr.bmp’

# back on test screen, I wait 30 sec, nothing happens

# then I press the ‘1’ TV remote (which was recorded for the ‘menu’ button) and chaos happens
# => random blinkings of the various icons for about 5 seconds, and the following log
# I did NOT do anything with the remote except pressing ‘1’ briefly. I also tried putting away the remote, the sequence continues.

#(note: unfortunately, my serial console on my PC truncated the top of the log, but this is similary to the start of the next test below)
> IR code received: 2823767411
> Loading image ‘irZapr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 1322193144
> Loading image ‘irZapr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 2823767411
> Loading image ‘irZapr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 196227623
> Loading image ‘irZapr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 1574859868
> Loading image ‘irZapr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 2823767411
> Loading image ‘irZapr.bmp’
> IR code received: 1574859868

# aaaand…. stop!

# I wait a bit, press the same ‘1’ button again, and this only last a few blinks…
> IR code received: 3778927144
> Interpreted as: M
> Loading image ‘irMenu.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053539
> Loading image ‘irZapr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053538
> Interpreted as: P
> Loading image ‘irPowr.bmp’
> IR code received: 2179001249
> Loading image ‘irZapr.bmp’
> IR code received: 196227623

# wait a bit, press ‘1’ again… and this time only a single blink of the menu icon (correct!)
> IR code received: 3778927144
> Interpreted as: M
> Loading image ‘irMenu.bmp’
> IR code received: 1471620857
> Loading image ‘irZapr.bmp’
> IR code received: 3887053539